UWA, Space for Giant aim to Revive Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

Max Graham the CEO Space for Giant

Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and the conservation non-profit, Space for Giants made signed a partnership agreement to revive and promote Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve as one of East Africa’s premier game parks.

The partnership deal was signed in Soroti city eastern Uganda on July 15, 2022.

Pain Upe game reserve is located in northeastern Uganda in the Karamoja sub-region. The reserve is Uganda’s 2nd largest protected area after Murchison Falls National Park.

Space for Giants is a conservation agency that has partnered with about 20 African countries to unlock investments in their protected areas. The agency is expected to raise the money needed to manage the wildlife reserve on the day to day basis.

According to the memorandum signed, UWA will retain the management of the reserve.

The agreement was signed in the presence of UWA representatives, the Karamoja Overland Safari Space for Giants, and officers from 9 districts surrounding the reserve. The districts include Napak, Nakapiripiriti, Bulambuli, Katakwi, Nabilatuk, Kween, Kumi, Bukedea and Amudat.

John Makombo, UWA director of conservation signed on behalf of UWA, and Dr. Max Graham signed on behalf of Space of Giants.

Mr. Makombo noted that this is a major step in the sustainable conservation of the reserve. “We hope to get more benefits for the local communities which will strengthen our collaboration with partners to commit to conservation.” “If everyone plays their part, there will be visible benefits to the communities.”

The partnership is intended to restore and drive conservation benefits to the locals surrounding the reserve, according to the UWA statement.

“Both local communities and Wildlife reserves will see significantly improved economic ecological benefits under this new conservation investment agreement,” said the statement.

The new partnership will benefit at least 150,000 people, it’s sought to strengthen the existing agreement because more districts.

Pian Upe is rich in flora and fauna, it hosts about 500 bird species among which are ostrich, yellow-billed shrinke Cornella Corvina, and 163 mammals, rare species roan antelope and giraffe, cheetah, and the endangered African Wild dogs.

Max Graham, CEO of Space for Giants representing the team assured us the UWA partnership will restore and protect Pian Upe Game Reserve and its wildlife for the benefit of the country.

The agreement also enhances the reserve’s value for the local communities, its economic contribution to the country, and restoring an ironic elephant landscape.

After raising the needed money, Space for Giant is expected to present a business plan setting out its approach and budget in detail to the initiative’s board within six months after the official signing of the agreement.






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