Recruitment of Census Enumerators Kicks Off; Here Are the Qualifications


As Uganda prepare for another census since 2014, UBOS is looking forward to recruit more than 110,000 enumerators.

The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) is rolling out the recruitment exercise for the enumerators that will be used in the National Population and Housing Census, which kicks off in May.

The Bureau is opting to hire 114,460 enumerators and 18,483 supervisors for the exercise.

The enumerators’ roles will include among others, helping with census groundwork that involves mapping out of the village-based census areas.

They will also engage in door-to-door community mobilization of the population on the census

During the census period from 9th to 19th May 2024, they will be tasked to collect information on all the persons, households, institutions and communities in their assigned enumeration areas.

Qualifications needed

All Ugandan aged 18 – 50 years of age is eligible for recruitment as an enumerator. And this person must have the following qualities to be enrolled into the census team.

  • Should have at least an “A” level certificate or its equivalent and with a credit in English and Mathematics at “O” level.
  • Prospective enumerators need to be recommended by the local authorities in their respective LC 1 areas.
  • Must be a Ugandan of good conduct, sound mind and fluent in the local languages spoken in the areas of enumeration.
  • Must possess knowledge in basic computer applications
  • Should have a valid National Identity Card issued by NIRA.

According to Chris Mukiza, the UBOS ED, this is essential in the payment process as those whose phone numbers are not registered in their names will not be paid.

The smartphones will also be required to work as “Plan B” in case the Tablets malfunction or don’t arrive on time.

Applications can be done on the UBOS portal (click here). The deadline for the applications is March 15.


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