Uganda Displays its Tourism Potential at CHOGMA 2022 in Rwanda


Uganda Tourism Board together with Uganda High Commission in Kigali unveiled Uganda’s tourism brand during the ongoing Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2022 happening in Kigali Rwanda.

The 26th CHOGM was supposed to happen in 2020 but due to the coronavirus pandemic, the meeting was extended to 2022. The Kigali, Rwanda CHOGM is proceeding under the theme “Delivering a Common Future: Connecting, Innovation, and Transformation.”

On 18th June, the Uganda High Commission in Kigali and UTB hosted an Uganda Night at the Chancery in Kacyiru where they unveiled the new Pearl of Africa Destination brand before over a half a million potential travelers in the city of Kigali.

The private sector is also to participate in the street festival which will showcase Uganda’s unique cuisine, culture, and tourism potential. The private sector in partnership with Uganda Tourism Association will aim at networking opportunities.

Potentially Rwanda is the second source of tourist market to Uganda following Kenya bringing about 22,660 tourists in 2020 before the drastic fall.

Uganda and Rwanda share a bunch of ethnicity, history, culture, and natural resources. Hence the shared resources and heritage call for collective marketing and tourism product development through collaborative cross-boundary interventions.

Amb. Anne Katusiime, Uganda’s Deputy High Commissioner to Kigali, remarked that “Uganda’s participation in CHOGM 2022 is an excellent opportunity to promote Uganda’s tourism opportunities under the “Explore Uganda” destination brand and to communicate to CHOGM 20022 delegates about the transboundary tourism products between the two nations.”

Ms. Lilly Ajarova, the UTB CEO applauded the Uganda High Commission in Kacyiru, Kigali for spearheading Uganda’s tourism promotion during the CHOGM 2022.

The CHOGM event and its side activities will create amazing tourism opportunities for the private and public sector stakeholders and also promote intra-regional travel between the two countries, said Ajarova.

The East African Community has also developed a joint marketing strategy that will position East Africa as one a single tourism destination. Member states will create itineraries that include exclusive tourism experiences across the six countries.

Travel in the region has also been enhanced by the East African Tourist Visa between Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda.

The CHOGM 2022 meeting kicked off on 20th – 25th June 2022. During the event, commonwealth leaders will reaffirm their common values and agree on actions and policies to improve the lives of their citizens.







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