Formation 1, 2, 3 & 4 Mountain Gorilla Habitation


Mountain gorilla is a sub-specie of a larger gorilla family. The sub-specie is as well as the smallest population of all the gorillas in the world. Mountain gorillas are the second largest after the lowland gorillas. These mountain gorillas reside in the highland tropic which has posed a name suggestion of mountain gorillas.

All research and studies have confirmed the 1, 2, 3, & 4 formations of mountain gorilla habituation. If you’re a fan of football, then have to start figuring out what this could be. But it simply explains the one continent, two forests, three countries, and four national Parks where mountain gorillas reside.

Formation 1

Mountain gorillas can only be located in Africa’s equatorial tropical rainforests. This gorilla sub-species is an endangered species that almost tasted on edge of extinction by the late 1980s, the species are only endemic to these eastern central volcanic forests. Studies have evidenced that mountain gorillas are not actual animals that can survive under captivity a reason these species can’t be located in Zoos or artificial sanctuaries. Formations 1 of mountain gorilla habitation demonstrate gorillas are unable to survive under captivity. Only the continuity central African edge of east of western Albertine rift valley is these amazing species.

Formation 2

At the edge of the central African high tropics is the bisect of the mountain gorilla dwellings which are the Virunga Conservation Area and Bwindi Impenetrable forests. Globally these gorilla sub-species can only be located in these two forests which have further broken the mountain gorillas again into two sub-species which are Virunga mountain gorillas and the Bwindi gorilla sub-species. These two sub-species however, don’t have a large differentiation, only in the fur. The Bwindi gorilla bears shorter fur compared to the Virunga gorillas that leaves in higher and colder altitudes. According to the last gorilla census, 2019, the two forests of Virunga conservation area and Impenetrable forest mutually share the population of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas each posing with half of the population. Earlier it’s believed these two forests were once one Virunga forest, but due to human activities or encroachment, the continuity of Virunga forest was cut short to create the Bwindi Impenetrable forest.

Formation 3

Mountain gorillas are blessed only in the 3 countries of Uganda, Rwanda, and DRC. The east of central African forests which habitat the gorillas extends in the three countries from the two major forests. The major Virunga Conservation Area is shared among three countries of Uganda, Rwanda and DRC, and Bwindi Impenetrable forest in Uganda. Uganda stands with a greater advantage over other countries as the country shares the gorillas from Virunga and as well hosting the world population that resides in Bwindi Impenetrable forest. Where to find gorillas in the world? These three countries are the actual answers.

Formation 4

Finally, the breakdown of gorilla habitation is summarized, right after knowing that gorillas only are citizens at the eastern edge of the central African forests. Shared only in two forests of three countries it’s important to know that there are four National Parks where to trek gorillas from. Formation 4 explains the 4 National Parks from the three countries. These world gorilla spots are Volcanos National Park, Virunga National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

Volcanos National Park is located in the northern section of Rwanda which area stature Rwanda a country of a thousand hills. The Volcanos National Park is known for being a high-end gorilla trekking forest due to the hiked permits to trek from there. The park is part of the great Virunga Conservation Area and Volcanos shares half of the gorilla population in the Virunga Conservation area. It’s the most known gorilla park in the world toping on the list of Visit Rwanda brands.

Virunga National Park; a part of the Virunga conservation areas of DRC, the park has suffered greatly from security instabilities due to countless rebel activities in the eastern Congo forests. Today, the park is open to tourism activities but reaching Goma town, the park management takes over to handle everything. It’s the cheapest park to trek gorillas, but many tourists have found it so hard to trek gorillas here due to a number of activities.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park; the smallest park in Uganda covering over an area of 34kmq2. The park is located in southwestern Uganda on the border of Uganda, Rwanda, and DRC, It’s as well part of the Virunga conservation area shared with Volcanos NP and Virunga NP. This is a unique forest in the country is another endemic residence for gorillas and golden monkeys which makes it a place where gold meets silver. Trekking gorillas here is not easy, there is only one habituated gorillas family meaning only a group of 8 trekkers can encounter gorillas here. This small park is very popular for the volcano hiking challenges.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park; One of Uganda’s most popular parks located in proximity to the Mgahinga Gorillas National Park (Virunga conservation area). It was once part of the Virunga forests but later splinted due to uncontrollable human activities. Bwindi is the capital for the mountain gorillas hosting half of the world’s population. The park’s the only park that suggests two gorilla activities of gorilla trekking and gorilla habituation. The park has over 18 habituated gorilla families which are trekked from the 4 sectors of Nkuringo, Rushaga, Ruhija, and Buhoma. The most popular park to trek gorillas for all classes of travelers, trekking here is so competitive and trekkers have to book a permit at least 3 months before the trekking month.

The formation 1, 2, 3, & 4 gorilla habitation arrangement as well make these special species admirable to many trekkers across the globe.



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